Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Finally a Posting!

It has been several months between posts and I am finally writing an update about Josie Guoling and our family. We have been moving along at a pretty quick pace; I've just barely been able to keep up! Josie is adjusting amazingly well, as is Cash. The two of them are obvious siblings from the excitement Josie has when she sees Cash in the morning to the the little scraps they get into on a regular basis. It is wonderful to experience their connection. Josie is a very enthusiastic little girl (22 months!) and highly social when we are out and about. Her comprehension of language is incredible. In just a few months she seems right on target developmentally especially in receptive language. She is very opinionated already and has a will that won't quit. She is a survivor and and is one tough, albeit, very sweet cookie. She is very affectionate and squeezes back when we hold her. A couple of weeks ago we seemed to hit a milestone of attachment and connection. She has been acting out her anger and fear and loss. I hold her lovingly and for long periods of time as she seems to struggle with truly and wholly accepting me and our family as the safest most secure place in the world. We are forever. These tantrums are good signs and as they are soooooo challenging for me as a mom, I thank our lucky stars that Josie is willing to be vulnerable and trust our family in the deepest ways. We love her intrinsically.

p.s. We have gotten some very insightful help from our social worker, Laura. She has given me invaluable support. Thanks to Laura and Adopt International for their unending commitment to children and families.